Day 53

Day 54

The trees are budding in our front yard.
Day 55

My son, Juan, bought this for me last year for my anniversary. While my husband and I were gone to Daytona he took his birthday money and went shopping with Grandma. When he gave it to me he said it was so I would remember our anniversary trip to the 50th running of the Daytona 500. It sits on my computer desk so everyday I can look at it and remember how very blessed I am.
Day 56

A flag outside my hubby's work.
Day 57

What I am reading or soon to be reading. I know I have quite a lot of these photos but one of my goals for the year is to read at least 52 books and taking a photo of what I am reading helps me track my progress.
Day 58

My husband and youngest son, Cole, wrestling.
Day 59

It has been raining for the past few days and we are all getting a bit stir crazy. Hope decided she was going out to play in the rain yesterday. I caught her in the front yard sticking her lollipop in the raindrops coming off the porch.
Day 60

We drug the girls' mattress into my office so we could watch an instant Netflix movie on my computer. They were horsing around after it was over so I decided to snap a few photos.